
Monthly Fun Facts of April

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Welcome to the 2018 April’s edition and the third installment of Fun Facts, a monthly list of ten cool, weird, and crazy facts that you may or may not know. If you ever need a brain break from studying over the break or just want to learn something new, this installment is for you.


#1: New research has revealed that the average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat. (Source)

#2: According to a new study done 2013, goldfish were found to be able to distinguish the music of Johann Sebastian Bach from Igor Stravinsky. (Source)

#3: The average person, having an average stride, will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the Earth in their lifetime. (Source)

#4: W. V. Meadows, a Civil War soldier, was shot in the eye at the battle of Vicksburg and survived. 58 years later, he met the Union soldier who shot him, and also coughed up the bullet that had stuck in his head. (Source)

#5: The average person spends six months of their life waiting for a traffic light to turn green. (Source)

#6: In 2009, a Moscow man drank three bottles of vodka, jumped out of a fifth story balcony, survived, and then jumped again. His only injuries were minor cuts and bruises.  (Source)

#7: A banana is scientifically classified as a berry, but strawberries are not. (Source)

#8: In 2014, the Lost Rhino Brewing Company and Paleo Quest created a beer named Bone Dusters Paleo Ale that was made from yeast found on the 35 million year old remains of a prehistoric whale. (Source)

#9: Paris Syndrome is a mental disorder that some people experience after going to Paris and discovering that Paris is not what they had expected it to be. (Source)

#10: Humans don’t sneeze while sleeping.  (Source)


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