School Life

Open Mic Night Preview

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StuCo is hosting Open Mic Night on November 2, the last day of spirit week. There are no auditions for this event and performers are welcomed to sing, dance, play an instrument, or perform musical comedy. Open Mic Night will be in the amphitheater just like last year, and seniors will be prioritized and given the privilege of sitting on beanbags and couches. GenCo 9  will be selling brownies and drinks, GenCo 10 will be selling dumplings, GenCo 11 will be selling cup-noodles, and GenCo 12 will be selling Korean and Hong Kong food.

Ben K., who performed last year, said, “I personally liked the overall atmosphere as it was very relaxing and the performances were dynamic. When I was performing, I was nervous but people were very supportive so it went well. It was a very meaningful experience”. Meenu S., who is the vice president of GenCo 12 said, “The theme for StuCo this year is harmony, and I think Open Mic Night is a perfect event that we can start off with although we hold this event every year. Open Mic Night seems much more meaningful this year because it relates to our theme.”

If you feel stressed out during the week of November 2, come to Open Mic Night to relax and watch all the enthusiastic performances!

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