School Events

Obscure Activities in AISG

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AISG has always been offering a decent amount of activities for students to participate in; sports, community events, and other things to do. Although most activities in both during lunch and after schools are packed with students, some activities still remain unknown from the great population in AISG. The three activities surprised me the most with its existence are Quiz team, Chinese News, and Ping Pong.

On Wednesday afternoons, there is a engaging club where students are invited to write articles on current events. Writers are encouraged to use simple language that allows non-native english speakers to learn about both local and international events. This activity has been around school for quite a while now but it haven’t seem to capture the students attention yet.

On the same day during lunch, there is a quiz team. Turns out, there are only a small number of trivia enthusiasts out there. Each week has a different theme, so if you are particularly interested in a certain topic, there will always be a chance for you to get quizzed on it.

Ping Pong is an extremely popular sport here in China, and the school has a few Ping Pong tables set up around the second floor. Each Thursday afternoon, Ping Pong athletes can gather up to compete in a series of heated Ping Pong games. Although Ping Pong seemed to be quite a popular activity during lunch time, students who are willing to participate in Ping Pong as an ASA has been limited.

This week I reached out to some students around me to find out whether they know about these obscure activities or not, both Vicky and Minting (9) did not know about the 3 activities listed above. Unlike the other two interviewees, Winston has a little knowledge on the quiz team that’s led by Mr. Sinclair and Mr. Baier, “I don’t know about Ping Pong and Chinese News but Mr. Sinclair was planning on getting a button for quiz team. I think the quiz team was basically quizzing students about general knowledge like history, politics, and etc. but I don’t think they started this activity yet.” Although these activities remain unknown in the general public, students stated that they are willing to join the activities if they’re being promoted correctly in the future. “I would join ping pong because it sounds fun,” (Vicky) “but I don’t think I would want to join quiz team and Chinese news because firstly, it’s not appealing to me and secondly, the activity is not clear.”

On the activity list provided by the school every quarter, there were a lot of activities that I can’t correctly identify. However, if the activities can be publicized, it will be able to attract more students.

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