School Life

Everything You Need to Know About AISG’s Global Citizenship Education Service Program!

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On August 6, 2022, student coordinators from the fifteen Upper Secondary service groups at AISG met at the Science Park campus for a day of planning, bonding, working, and reflecting on how to lead their group to connect to the community.

The workshop aimed to help student coordinators connect to, learn from, and observe others. Together, they had an opportunity to question who or what they support with their groups and, more importantly, why.

“Being in community service groups makes me feel powerful and reflect on what I can do for the community,” says Richard. W, founder of the club elderly care that just started this year. By reflecting on their assumptions and biases, students hope to take on actions that address the exact needs of the local community. Understanding the concept of GCED was also part of the essence of the workshop.

GCED can be defined as a transformative, lifelong pursuit that involves both curricular learning and practical experience to shape a mindset to care for humanity and the planet and to equip individuals with global competencies for undertaking responsible actions aimed at forging more just, peaceful, secure, sustainable, tolerant, and inclusive societies.

According to the UN, The primary aim of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) is nurturing respect for all, building a sense of belonging to common humanity, and helping learners become responsible and active global citizens. GCED aims to empower learners to assume active roles in facing global challenges and become proactive contributors to a more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, and secure world.

Education for global citizenship helps young people develop the core competencies which allow them to actively engage with the world and help to make it a more just and sustainable place. It is a form of civic learning involving students’ active participation in projects that address social, political, economic, or environmental global issues.

The following Tuesday, Upper Secondary students were introduced to the many activities offered at the annual CCA fair. Upper Secondary students had the chance to attend a fair organized by student coordinators, where each group had a booth to share what the group was all about and the causes they aimed to help.

“It is such an exciting but nervous moment for all of us. ” Says Sara. C, coordinator of Rams Reception. Club coordinators have to make posters and print images to promote and inform the students about the club’s activities and persuade them to join the group.

Community Service Club Global Issue Network’s Mission & Vision statement
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