School Life

Upper Secondary Take On Semester Exams!

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Upper secondary students are getting ready to take their final exams for this semester. Students will have two days to revise during regular class time and three days of testing. There are two exams each day, each being 2 hours long. One in the morning and another in the afternoon. 

There are many different ways students choose to revise for exams.  

One grade 10 student said, “I’m reviewing past summatives, looking at past notes, and conferencing with teachers.” 

A grade 11 student said, “I’m just reading over my notes and I’m going to rewrite my notes from the entire year.” 

There are so many ways to study that it can be hard to find efficient ways to revise. Here are eight tips from The University of Missouri that may give you some guidance on how to effectively study for these upcoming exams: 

  1. Make the most of class time: 

Hopefully, you’ve been paying attention to lessons this year and taking notes that make sense to you. Having good notes is extremely beneficial later when going back to review. Students are given two days to revise during class so use that time to study for those harder subjects. 

  2.  Take advantage of office hours: 

If you are struggling with understanding a concept or topic, your teachers can help. Stop by their office or send them a quick message on the teams. Your teachers are there to answer your questions and make sure you understand the topic. 

  3.  Create flashcards: 

Flashcards are the best way to quiz yourself on your subjects. It also allows you to rewrite important facts, concepts, or definitions which you can recall later. 

  4.  Switch it up: 

Spending too much time on one subject can cause you to lose concentration. Change topics every half hour to prevent learning fatigue. You can revisit harder topics once your brain has had a break. 

  5.  Visualize the material: 

If traditional notes are not your thing, try looking at diagrams, pictures, mind maps and outlines to create visuals that can help you make sense of harder topics. Make sure to focus on important parts of your notes and condense the material to what is needed rather than overloading your brain with information. 

  6.  Take breaks: 

Give your brain a chance to relax and recoup. According to Oxford Learning, “For every 30 minutes you study take a short 10–15-minute break to recharge. Short study sessions are more effective and help you make the most of your study time.”  So get up move around, have a snack, and take a breather before getting back to revision 

   7.  Learn by teaching others: 

Explaining concepts to friends and classmates is a great way to recall important information. You are also helping them learn as well. If you find new ways to explain information you will understand it more by processing it for others. 

   8.  Test your knowledge: 

There are many practice exams that you can find online. Or if you want a challenge try creating one full of stuff that could be on the test. This will give you some practice before taking the real thing. 

 Knowing how to effectively study will be the key to success during the exams. This is a stressful time of year, but it will be a huge relief once it is all over.  

 Best of luck to the upper secondary students on their exams! 


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