School Events

Waterloo Math Contest

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CEMC (The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing) Math Contest is a well-known math competition sponsored by the university of Waterloo. This test consists of only four questions, but each question is notably challenging, and pushes the boundaries of a student’s mathematical skill. Despite the difficulty of this test, the performance shown by students on the test was exceptional. In fact, some of the student scores were in the top 1.5 % in the world.

The top scorers within each grade level were Daniel Park in 9th grade, Andy  Jeong in 10th grade and Soo Kyung Hwang in 11th grade. These students each received a different test to match their grade and skill level. There were three different types of math tests in the contest: Fryer, Galois and Hypatia. Each test was designed for a different skill level. Despite the difference in the difficulty of each test, the tests were a profound challenge for each grade level of students that participated in the competition. Some of the students were ranked in the top 1 % of students around the world that participated in the math contest, which would (why conditional?) make them the best contestants out of more that 5000 schools. Other students were also ranked the top 25% in all international schools worldwide.

Several students preformed exceptionally well in the Waterloo Math Contest, and this is due to the fact that the contest encouraged students to test the limits of their skills. The test was a challenge to students, and in response the students rose to face the challenge. The purpose of this contest as stated by Mrs. Francis “was for students to challenge themselves.”  If the school wishes students to enhance their mathematical ability, they must task students with challenges.

Math contests, such as the Waterloo competition are a great way to build mathematical skills in school as they are strong motivators for students. Students feel the need to prove to themselves that they are able to achieve, therefore math contests, like any sport competitions, should be promoted as they will encourage students to test the limits of their abilities.



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