School Events

A Bittersweet End:APAC Badminton Results 2017-18

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APAC Badminton, the last sport season for the school year of 2017-18 has finally come to an end. This year, AISG hosted the 3-day event at a badminton stadium close to our campus. Our badminton team placed 2nd overall out of the 5 schools in total, AISG, HKIS, SFS, UNIS, CISS.

Michelle Zhu from Grade 11 earned herself another gold medal for the second year in a row. During the championships, Michelle won the first set 21-12, and the second set 21-6. Vicky Jung and Mike Chen, playing Mixed Doubles 1 together, placed 2nd, earning a silver medal. Our Girls Doubles 1, Elizabeth Kim and Nina Yang, earned a gold medal as well.

Our badminton team this year has definitely set the record for AISG, earning 2 gold medals and 1 silver medal. Congratulations to all the players who attended the APAC event and represented our Ram Nation!


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