Humans of AISG

A Closer Look into Janet Hong’s Life and Path to AISG!

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Janet Hong is an Upper Secondary School Counselor at AISG who works closely with students, parents, teachers, and administrators daily. 

As a high school student and up to college, Ms. Hong did not know what she wanted to do and what she could do, she was “lost”.  

Ms. Hong grew up as a third culture kid at an international school in Indonesia, “I wanted to share my experiences and be there for those who are going through similar experiences as I did.” She said. 

She decided to work at school because it’s a “vibrant place” for work and things are constantly changing every day. 

 She explained that AISG is a very welcoming place and her students are loving and her parents and colleagues are supportive making AISG the place to work. 

Ms. Hong earned a Master’s in Education with her main focus on Adolescent Counseling. 

Ms. Hong decided on a field in Education, specifically counseling because she wanted to be more knowledgeable in that area.   

She has also completed a counseling practicum – a clinical experience under supervision to expand skills – at a school in Boston, she said this helped her prepare for her life working at a school. 

Ms. Hong’s favorite part of her job is meeting and interacting with different and new students while watching them grow as learners and as people. 

Her room is a safe place for many students of AISG as they can speak to her freely about their problems in a safe and comfortable environment. 

 The always has her office room door open for students to come to visit her to talk or just to stay in her room, she has helped various students. 

 Students visit her daily during their lunch time, passing periods, or during their free blocks. She is a very appreciated and loved teacher at AISG.  

Ms. Hong’s belief is that “the most valuable investment is in the lives of the next generation, not money.” 

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