School Life

A Farewell from the Editors-in-Chief

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As the school year draws to a close, we would like to wish The Beacon’s two editors-in-chief, Abby P. and Gabriel K. good luck in the future and bid them a farewell from The Beacon after two years of them at the helm. They are graduating this year as a part of the class of 2020 and have been editors-in-chief since 2018. Here is a farewell message from them:

Gabriel: In retrospect, my decision to select journalism as my elective in 10th grade turned out to be one of the best course-related decisions in my AISG career. As someone who was always interested in global issues and politics, I believe journalism really allowed me to take the next step further––that is, not just read or contemplate over my topics of interest but actually write about them in order to spread awareness amongst the AISG student body. I hope students who are currently enrolled in or interested in signing up for journalism are able to share similar experiences in the future. During the past two years as the Editor-in-Chief, it was great working with my co-Editor-in-Chief Abby and taking part in re-designing our website and watching the number of our Beacon staff grow. I believe The Beacon is in great hands with the new Editors-in-Chief, and articles of great quality will continue to be published. Thank you!

Abby: I joined The Beacon by accident in sophomore year, since there were no other available classes. Now I look back on it as fate, or a great stroke of luck, because being on The Beacon has opened my eyes and expanded my horizons to include a new passion for writing. At the end of my first year on The Beacon, I jumped at the chance to work as one of the editors-in-chief. I spent the next two years putting my heart and soul into The Beacon, working with my teachers and fellow staff members to write and edit countless articles about anything and everything. I’ve written about so many different topics and broadened my range of writing, and I will always be grateful to The Beacon for teaching me to write and to lead. I would like to thank my co-editor-in-chief Gabriel, for sticking with me through everything we did over the last two years, through thick and thin. I know The Beacon is going to continue to thrive under the new leadership, and I’m excited to see where we go in the future. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

Gabriel & Abby: Before wrapping up this article, we would like to thank several groups of people. Firstly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our fabulous former and current journalism supervisors Ms. Barga and Ms. Dean who have worked very hard to support The Beacon in AISG. Secondly, we would like to thank all the editors who made our press go smoothly by editing all the staff members’ articles before their publication. Lastly, we would like to thank all our staff members who wrote articles of various topics and greatly contributed to The Beacon!

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