School Events

A Preview of Lijiang

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Lijiang is a city located in southern China in the northwestern part of the province Yunnan. This is the destination for this year’s Grade 11 China Trip. It will be the second year that Grade 11 students travel to Lijiang for China Trips, as last year was the first year this destination was introduced to AISG.

Due to the trip being fairly new, a lot of the students may not know what to expect of this trip, but with some insight from students who attended last year, they can get a better understanding of what to expect. This year’s senior class, who went to Lijiang last year, really enjoyed the trip and had a lot of positive remarks regarding how great they thought the trip was. Senior Nikhil Budhev said, “the best part was taking a flight to Lijiang.” The trip included farming, biking, and a taste of authentic Chinese food. Advice from Budhev to this year’s juniors is to make the most out of the trip because you will not have the same experience again. All in all, Budhev thought it was a good trip and he strongly encourages students to enjoy themselves.

Now, let us take a look at what the current juniors’ expectations of the trip are and what they are most looking forward to. Although he is not sure what exactly to expect, Jimmy Park says he hopes or expects it to be “an exciting and eventful trip.” Park says the reason for his positivity is due to his anticipation for the bike ride during the trip because he has heard some seniors talk about how fun their biking experience was last year.

The trip is looking like it should be an eventful and memorable one that students will enjoy. The anticipation is starting to build as students can not wait to go to Lijiang. Hopefully the trip will prove to be just as good as students expect it to be or better yet,  better than students thought.

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