School Life

AISG Soccer Tri-Cities Big Win for the Girls and Boys!

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Tricities, a soccer tournament held with schools from Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing was hosted at AISG this year from March 17 to 18, t was the first Tri-Cities held since 2018. The soccer games occurred on two separate fields: the varsity girls’ teams on the SP campus and the varsity boys at Huangpu stadium. 

Guangzhou was represented by the American International School of Guangzhou (AISG) and Utahloy International School of Guangzhou (UISG). Shanghai was represented by Shanghai American School Pudong (SASPD) and Beijing was represented by the Western Academy of Beijing (WAB). 

The first-place winners for the girls were our home team here at AISG, not a single goal was scored on them. The champion for the boys was WAB, the game went into overtime with a final score of 1-1 which WAB took home the win in penalty kicks with the result of 4-2. 

“Winning felt pretty good and the matches were fun, and the finals were pretty tense, said Jack Y., a junior at WAB and a member of their varsity boys’ soccer team. “The other schools were super friendly and AISG was a good host it was nice how they took our team to a mall with them.”  

“I loved Tricities so much! It was actually my first time traveling for a varsity sport post-covid, and it couldn’t have been better, you guys (AISG) were awesome hosts,” said Cindy C., a sophomore at SASPD and a member of their varsity girls’ soccer team. “Highlight of the trip was definitely playing the games and meeting everyone, and we were pretty happy with the results for our first tournament playing eleven-aside.” 

The schedule for days 1 and 2 goes as follows; day 1 on SP Campus started with AISG vs SASPD, and the final score was 2-0, the second game of the day was WAB vs UISG, 1-0, the third game was UISG vs AISG, 0-5, the final game for girls was WAB vs SASPD, 0-1.  

Day 1 on the Huangpu Stadium started with AISG vs WAB, 0-3, the second game was SASPD vs UISG, 2-0, the third game was UISG vs AISG, 2-0, and the final game was SASPD vs WAB, 0-2.  

Day 1 was an eventful day with many amazing goals and saves, even students from AISG joined the crowd to cheer on their fellow Rams. At the end of the games, WAB and AISG joined each other to have dinner and make new friends.  

Day 2 started with AISG vs WAB, the girls came out victorious 3-0, the next game was SASPD vs UISG, with the final score 7-0, all at SP campus. The boys’ first game was AISG vs SASPD, a very close match with a score of 0-1, and the final game at Huangpu stadium was WAB vs UISG, resulting in a 3-0.  

After the lunch break, the boys’ teams joined the girls on the SP campus for the consolation and championships games. 

The consolation game for girls was WAB vs UISG, 4-0, and the consolation for boys was UISG vs AISG, 1-1, which ended in penalty kicks, 4-3. The AISG boys played extremely well and had an extremely close game. 

The championship game for girls was AISG vs SASPD, 3-0, and the championship for boys was WAB vs SASPD, 1-1, which also ended in penalty kicks, 4-2. All teams played extremely well and there were a lot of battles for the ball. 

Tricities ended with a barbeque for all the schools and an ending ceremony, in which AISG girls brought home the first-place trophy.  

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