
AISG Students Perform Annual Musical Shrek Jr!

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By Arisu B.

Last week, the AISG community was treated to a special demonstration of student talent with the Science Park musical Shrek Jr. opening its curtains. From April 25 to 27, third-graders to members of the public alike watched the adventures of Shrek, Donkey, and Fiona through the Kingdom of Duloc alongside their ragtag fairytale friends.   

The Shrek Jr. team put on four performances with high attendance, as audiences laughed along and cheered on their favorite characters. Audience member Noah P said of the performance, “I loved the show! The music was awesome, the acting was awesome…everyone did a really good job!”.   

What is perhaps less obvious, however, is that what they were witnessing was the culmination of weeks of set-building, prop constructing, rehearsals, and much, much more.   

Cast members honed their performances at rehearsals for months, learning the intersectional singing, dancing, and acting required of a musical. Speaking of her experience as a cast member, Tallin S, who played Donkey, said “It was really wonderful, everyone was super supportive of everyone else in the cast…which, it’s not that I wasn’t expecting it, I was just a bit surprised as to the volume of how supportive everyone was. It was really fun, and I think everyone had a really great time.”  

Of course, the actors were not the only student talent on display: the entire musical was underscored by live music from AISG’s pit band. Grade 12 trumpet player Jeffrey L said of his experience, “Shrek was incredible, honestly. Though it’s only an hour long, it’s an hour with tough, hard work that requires dedication…towards all the practices, directors, and rehearsals.”  

Behind-the-scenes work was also crucial towards delivering a smooth final product. The tireless work of producer Mrs. Studniski and the four other AISG teacher-directors created a show audiences will surely remember. Shrek Jr. also ran on the shoulders of a crew of students who devoted their own time to the show for weeks. Crew member Noelle B, Grade 11, said: “It was really good! I really liked working backstage with everybody and it was just a fun experience meeting all the actors and the backstage crew.”   

Ultimately, Shrek Jr. was the result of copious amounts of effort, time, and talent, which left audiences with the central message: let your freak flag fly. 

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