School Life

AISG’s Got Talent: Talent Show 2021

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On February 5, 2021, secondary students gathered at the theater to enjoy the annual Talent Show hosted by Student Council (StuCo) from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.


In the previous years, talent show provided a rare opportunity for students to showcase their talents to all members of the AISG community, including to both faculty and parents. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Guangzhou Bureau of Education has forbidden the gathering of a mass population; hence, only the student body and a few faculty members were eligible to attend the event.


However, similar to the previous years, tickets were sold outside the cafeteria for those who wished to attend for 30 Kuai prior to the event and at the door for 40 Kuai.


Andy H., a senior at AISG who has served as one of the event’s emcees, commented that this year’s talent show was a “very enjoyable experience,” despite the “different restrictions set due to the COVID-19.” He added that “Although there were comparatively less people than the previous years, the supportive atmosphere remained the same where everyone was very engaged.”


Max J., a sophomore at AISG, remarked upon his thoughts of this year’s talent show, commenting “It was great to have the opportunity to witness the students’ talents.” He further applauded the performers for “stepping up to showcase the talents that they possess and make a joyful experience for everyone.”


For the first time, auditions were held hybrid – virtually and in-person – due to the lack of time with the Chinese New Year break in the schedule. Although circumstances were unfavorable, StuCo representatives and advisors’ flexibility led to another successful year of the talent show.


Founded in 1981, AISG is the first international school in South China, offering an international curriculum to its students. Guided by Western learning values and principles, AISG places great importance on nurturing “future-ready” individuals, even amid the pandemic and hybrid learning.

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