School Events

AISG’s International Day at Science Park!

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By Jasmine L.

On  April 20, the AISG PTA held their annual International Day event at AISG’s newly renovated Science Park Campus. It was the first time for the event to be held at the Science Park Campus once again ever since 2018, before the outbreak of COVID-19.  

From AISG’s website, this year, the event was open to the public. AISG welcomed not only students, faculty, and families, but also inviting the wider Guangzhou community to join in and celebrate the school’s multicultural and diverse environment. 

 According to PTA’s promotion for the event, the theme for International Day 2024 was “Bridging the World,” highlighting the many cultures represented by the AISG community and the broader international community of Guangzhou. 

Elementary students performs a Mexican dance at International Day
Photo credits: AISG

“International Day is one of my favorite PTA events,” Renee L., a 6th grader, said. “Not only can I learn about the cultures of different countries, but I also get to try so many different foods and get to play the different games that come from all around the world.” 

Celebrating the multiculturalism at AISG, Saturday’s International Day showcased the diversity of over 40 countries.  

According to PTA, regularly, the caregiver community contributes every year to celebrate their culture with country booths. This year, with a wider audience, consulates from America, Argentina, Austria, Cambodia, India, etc., and chambers of commerce also joined the event, partnering with caregivers to offer international cuisines, games from around the world, and more.  

Apart from the booths, another big part of the International Day celebrations included the performances by students. Students ranging from first graders to seniors performed traditional and cultural songs, dances, and more. The consulates from India and Malaysia also contributed the show with performances of their own.  

“It was amazing to see so many children sing songs, dance, and express themselves on stage,” said Yan, a parent. “Learning about cultures through performing arts is a great way to bring upon appreciation and understanding. It brings people together and gives children a chance to showcase their talents while exploring the richness of different traditions.” 

International Day not only provided a platform for both the AISG and Guangzhou communities to express and share their cultural identities, but it also offered an opportunity for the Upper Secondary GCED (Global Citizenship Education) groups to showcase their missions and raise awareness about their causes. Each group had a country-themed booth where they shared information about their activities and highlighted the various causes they support, aiming to engage the wider Guangzhou community in their fundraising efforts. 

Grade 10 student, Willard M., views this event with enthusiasm, stating, “I think International Day was a good opportunity for Connect for Cancer to raise funds for our mission, as we had the opportunity to understand other cultures and care for the children with cancer.” 

Students with their GCED booth at International Day
Photo credits: AISG

Overall, the International Day event was a big success, displaying AISG’s diversity and multicultural community. Even though the rainy weather caused the event to be in the gym rather than on the field, there was still a huge amount of support from the community, giving the participants has an unforgettable experience at Science park. 

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