School Life

Anhui Cuisine

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Steamed stone chicken

Anhui Cuisine is a special cuisine from Anhui, a province in East China. This is the final of the 8 major Chinese cuisines. It relies on passive cooking techniques such as steaming and stewing instead of stir-frying. This cuisine has a long history, as people in the Song Dynasty created dishes that are still popular today.

This type of cuisine is very influential in Eastern China, as neighboring regions such as Shanghai and Jiangsu have elements of this type of food. Many people in Anhui are businessmen so they introduced this type of food to others because they deal with people all around the country and world.

Image from·Flickr

The cuisine uses plentiful oil, and it focuses on the color of the food, so dishes all look attractive. Fish is a key ingredient in Anhui cuisine, as it is easy to steam. Pork is also widely used.

Anhui roast red pork is one of the most famous dishes. Steamed stone chicken is also a famous dish. However, the “stone chicken” is actually a kind of frog.

If you want to try out Anhui food in Guangzhou, you can go to Jinguang Cooking (金广名厨). I’ve never been there but the reviews online and by my Chinese friends have been positive.

In conclusion, Anhui Cuisine is a very interesting type of cooking, and you should try it out.

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