School Life

Ask Jiwon and Punya – March

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Hello RAM nation! AISG’s confidants Punya and Jiwon now offer the student body a full-time service, giving advice free of charge. We accept any and all questions which can be posted on the comments area under the page. We will choose the questions which we can answer and questions can be anonymous or attributed to their author—it’s up to you. All questions will receive answers from both advisors (so there will be multiple perspectives and both gender opinions). Lastly, this page is supposed to be humorous and helpful as well as interesting so sit back and enjoy! You may note a serious lack of genuine advice-seeking questions in those listed below—this is a problem that YOU can change! Ask us a real question; we’ll give you a real answer. 

Q. What is the best way to start a conversation with a new person?

You: Hi ? I’m sorry i was wondering if you know the weight of a polar bear ? 

Stranger : uhh.. no sorry i don’t know 

You: Enough to break the ice 😉 

You: Hi ! whats your name! 

Stanger : * daymn smooth son”

Say hi.


Q.How does it feel like if you kiss a guy? I’ve never done it so please tell for future experience.

It really depends who you kiss, i mean if you kiss your crush  for the first time its like breath taking and really nerve racking, but if you kiss someone you have no feelings for it really isn’t anything special… 


Q.Is it still worth going to Prom even if you don’t have a date?

Sure, depends how important having a date is for you. #youdontneedaguy/girltohavefun (but thats just my lone opinion) 

No – unless you’re a senior and have nothing to do.


Q.Should Ms.Barga’s homeroom win the donuts?

Santi calm down

No, Santi.


Q.What’s the worst joke that you have ever heard?

Knock. Knock. Who’s there. Me.

Knock Knock Who’s there? Rufus! Rufus who? Rufus leaking and I’m getting wet!


Q. What’s your choice? Ronaldo or Messi?




Q.Why do you think the theater in the Science Park campus hasn’t opened yet?

because we have indecisive individuals in charge?

Scarcity. #IBEconomics


Q.What can we do to make AISG a better place?

idk be nice? 

Change our mascot.


Q.What can we do to make the world a better place?

start with yourself then try to influence others

No comment.


Q.Why do you think AISG almost has no school spirit?

because of the students within AISG.

Change our mascot.


Q.What’s your worst fear?

My worst fear is my worst fear happening to me.

No one asking questions on the comment section of The Beacon


Q.Is Tupac still alive?

no. #rip



Q.What did Jiwon ask Punya?

Did you do chinese homework?

Did you do Chinese homework?


Q.What’s the worst and best horror movie you have ever seen?

worst : the grudge / best : the ring


Q.Are you for or against the batman vs superman movie?

for : batman ❤️  / against : superman (too old school)

FOR for the sake of the Justice League


Q.What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen at AISG?

Im pretty sure the weirdest things that happen in this school are done by me / my group of friends.

the mascot.


Q.Are you excited for the end of the school year?

no I’m scared to be a senior 



Q.What’s your favorite class?

JOURNALISM **wink wink hi Ms.Barga** ( who is also my english teacher sooo 😉 😉 

Get onto the journalism train.


Q.What’s your opinion on the food that the school serves?

 better than the food iv eaten at other schools 



Q.Which is your favorite TV Show?


Used to be the Walking Dead before GoT before nothing.


Q.If you were principal for one day, what would you do?

 let everyone sleep 

Shut down the school.


Q.There have been comments about how school events aren’t fun or interesting, what’s something that could be done in order for the school events to be fun?

its all about the student mindset, honestly i find them pretty interesting already 

We need a student council with more power in general. With great power, responsibility follows naturally, and they’re going to come up with more creative ideas. We’re also short of money, because our school so we could also blame the size of the student body.


Q.If you could create an APAC group, what would it be based on?

Eating contest for sure.

Any of the Martial Arts.


Q.What’s something that the school should add to it’s menu?

 complementary cheese cake 



Q.What’s something that the school should add to it’s Science Park Campus?

 a pool?

A dome, a swimming pool, a theatre, another football pitch and a rugby pitch.


Q. What’s your opinion on the prices of the prom tickets?

well its the 4 seasons so i think its pretty reasonable

They’re basically free if you don’t buy them. 


Q.What football team do you support the most?

real madrid 



Q.Is Mr.Duncan really 54-year-old?


Q. What would you consider a day well spent?

when i make unforgettable memories with people i care about 
When I go to sleep without thinking about how I spent the day.
Q. If you could only go back to the past once, what would you do?
tell myself the future? 
Remember three critical periods when Apple stocks started to rise and scrape every mao(jiao) to buy them before they rise.
Q. Why did the chicken actually cross the road?
because she wanted to flirt with the rooster. 

Q. Could our dreams actually be small previews of ourselves in different dimensions/universes?

well i wouldn’t say its impossible – but then if you dream 3 nights and view yourself with 3 soulmates then does that mean there are more than one potential soulmates in different universes? #tok  


Q. How do we get Nik to stop watching NBA videos during journalism?

Let me start with the short answer – it’s impossible. If you assign a lot of work to him, he will do his work out of class and still watch videos during the period. Anything other than studying is always funnier and more interesting during class, duh. Oh, and if we destroy all computers in this school he might bring basketball magazines to read.

 Give him work, or find a way to crush his love for NBA (highly unlikely and quite sadistic i believe) . Play his favorite movie (August Rush) to cause further distractions. 


Q. If you stare at someone long enough will they fall in love with you ? 

i wholeheartedly believe this can be done. I mean its been my strategy forever ( what else do we use The Force for? ). The confusing part of this strategy is when the person you are staring at looks back you do not know wether he/she thinks you are a potato or not. Nonetheless i think it will work.


Q. How do I pass high school?

I don’t think the person who’s asking this actually needs extra help to graduate high school, but I’ll try to answer this sincerely. If you get the 25 credits you need to graduate, in other words if you  the school would be happy to never see you again.

But if you are literally in the situation where you are getting two Fs and on the verge of repeating a year, you should probably start talking to your teachers. Teachers can tell you what to do. Stop complaining that your teacher doesn’t do anything for you, but think of the time you invest on those subjects outside of class. If that still doesn’t work, talk to your counsellor and ask for help.

Seriously, no one can get Fs when they tried their best. If you try by asking for help from your teachers or counsellor, you might not get straight As, but at least get done with high school.

Passing high school (as in just graduation) requires 25 credits.  Passing high school with a 3.5 gpa and above is a whole other matter in itself. I think the point is to do your best – and if that really is not enough…. get out of the IBDP program? so at least you can get a normal American diploma which allows you to still go to a university somewhere. 


Q. What is the secret to having a perfect score in IB?

Are you sure you want a perfect score in IB? 

Ask Dylan Galt.


Q. What do you do when someone doesn’t text you back?

Go to sleep.

Step 1 .)  If you want to save your ego just send a second text saying “oops wrong number” 

Step 2.) Listen to angry music that reminds you that you can do better.

Step 3.) Go to sleep and refrain from breaking your phone in anticipation for a receiving text.

Step 4.) Remember that there is a special place in the underworld for people who ignore text messages.


Q. What do you do when you have nothing to do on the weekend?

Go to sleep.

You never have nothing to do on the weekend in high school.  In extreme unique cases you could egg your neighbour’s car? 


Q. Is it possible to have good grades and sufficient sleep?

Jiwon : It is all a matter of what you define as good or sufficient. Some people could say four hours of sleep a day is enough and some could say that Ds are good grades. If you mean sleeping 4 hours everyday and getting an average of C-minus, it wouldn’t require much work. If you mean sleeping 10 hours a day and maintaining an average of a solid A, it would be close to impossible.

But, if you mean 7 hours of sleep everyday and a solid A, what matters the most with the plausibility is the rate of concentration and getting things done. High school programmes are designed to be manageable and the handbook says even IB classes are not supposed to give homework more than 60 minutes per block. Most people take six classes excluding electives/CAS, and that would mean the maximum amount of homework you can have per day is 3 hours, technically. Suppose you come back home at 6 o’clock and finish dinner half an hour later; it would still be 9:30 once you are done with your homework.

Listen in class and don’t procrastinate. Sleep well and get good grades.

Sure, as long as you do not succumb to the art of procrastination i think everything will be okay.


#Most of the comments posted below will be approved and thus displayed, so if you wish to ask questions anonymously, please send an email to Punya Barghava or Jiwon Lee.

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