
Regina Kim

Show BioHide BioRegina Kim is a senior this year and it's her second year joining Beacon. She is physically active and loves playing sports. She participated in the girls varsity soccer team since freshmen year.

19 posts

Mock Exams Are Coming Soon!


IB Mocks are coming soon and our seniors will be taking this from March 15 to 22. A lot of seniors and their parents are stressed out and worried about their first IB Mock exams, where they have to study for two years of content of all subjects they have been ... More »


Are Students Allowed to Sleep in the Lounge?


Consecutive summative assignments, presentations, after school activities and more can certainly lead students to become easily exhausted. The lounge is a place where students often go to relax or either work on their individual assignments. There are sometime... More »


Are Students Overwhelmed With Activities?


APAC, MUN, community service, coordinator positions… there are many activities students can participate in at AISG. These activities are not only for filling out CAS reflections, but for students to enjoy, release stress, and gain experience. There is a rising... More »


Come Support Our Dance Team!


Our Varsity dance team is having another round of pep rally on Tuesday, November 13th before they leave to Shanghai for APAC. The pep rally will begin at 11:05 am in the gym during lunch and end around at 11:15 am. The performance will represent AISG’s Varsity... More »


The Mysterious Death of a Korean Celebrity


On October 30 2017, almost exactly one year ago, Korean citizens and the world were given unfortunate news about the death of a famous Korean celebrity, Kim Joo Hyuk (故김주혁). A mysterious car accident had led to Kim’s death at around 4:30pm (local time) in Sout... More »


Open Mic Night Preview


StuCo is hosting Open Mic Night on November 2, the last day of spirit week. There are no auditions for this event and performers are welcomed to sing, dance, play an instrument, or perform musical comedy. Open Mic Night will be in the amphitheater just like la... More »


Elevator Controversy


An abundance of students may have already taken the school elevator at least once, either secretly and without permission or due to medical reasons. At AISG, students are not allowed to take the elevator without special circumstances such as injury. Newly impl... More »


One Final Year: Class of 2019!


This year is the last year of high school for the class of 2019! Although it hasn’t been long since school started, seniors are busy writing their EE’s and IA’s, preparing for upcoming summative’s and lab work, writing college applications, and stressing out a... More »


Crossroad trip


On May 18th, our AISG community service group Crossroad went to Huaiji (怀集), a place with a very small population located in the western Guangdong province. Crossroad people collected unwanted Chinese books from Science Park and donated them to underdeveloped ... More »


The New Green Environment


To focus further on healthy diets,  fresh ingredients, and a better learning experience, AISG decided to bring in a small green environment to our community which is to create a new garden. Having a garden at school can be new to many people, especially to peo... More »


Prom at the Dawn of Time


Can you identify your teachers’ younger selves? Put your guesses—and envious comments about their outfits—in the comments below (use the numbers). A few bonus shots are included, from grade 9 class photos, homecoming dances, and even a departed faculty member ... More »


Kiss the Seniors Goodbye


It is almost time to say goodbye to our seniors and many are sad that they are leaving but also proud and happy for their hard work and great achievements.  The community service group NHS(National Honor Society) is holding an event for students and teachers t... More »