School Life

Battle of The Books: 2018 Edition

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On Tuesday, 13 March, a team of 6 high schoolers headed to the Nansha Collegiate Preparatory Academy for the Battle of The Books. They were against Clifford International, ZhuHai International, and NCPA.

The Battle of The Books is an event where students are given a set of age-appropriate books to read. They then compete in a competition with other schools to test their knowledge on these books. AISG has been involved in these competitions for a running three years. There were a total of 8 books this season, with 2 non-fiction books. The titles include: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Mass, Popular by Maya Van Wagenen, Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet by Jamie Ford, Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom, Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, March Book One by John Lewis and Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

The students who went to this event include Ishita A., Emily A., Paoping Y., YiHsi H., Simran L. and Raima P. They prepared by meeting over lunch with practice sessions. However, they did not have a set schedule and only met up when they were free. When I interviewed some of them, they said they felt “unprepared” as for some books, only one of them had read it. Raima stated that she felt happy as she could miss school. They won with 2nd place out of 10 teams, only a few points away from winning first place.

Join Battle of the Books next year!


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