School Life

Cafeteria Facelift

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Photo by Mr. Tragert

Over the summer, the AISG cafeteria was refurnished and redesigned to improve students’ lunch experience. The school also began contracting a new vendor, Sodexo, which is a major food service company from France. Sodexo has changed the prices of some items, and added more variety to the lunch service. They’ve built a noodle bar on the left side of the cafeteria right across from the station that serves the main courses and pasta. They also changed the salad bar by moving it from the far right corner of the cafeteria to the center.

Specifically, some of the price and food changes are summarized here. The noodle bar provides a variety of noodle and topping choices for the price of 29 RMB. The pasta prices were raised from 21 to 30 RMB, and the price of pizza increased from 19 to 30. In the past, pasta was just plain pasta with sauce. This year, the pasta dishes include sausage, chicken, bacon or bread on the side. The pizza was changed from 2 medium-sized slices to a medium-sized whole pizza with thinner crust than last year. Overall, the cafeteria has been changed in substantial ways, and students are still debating their opinions on the changes. Check back soon for some of their thoughts!

Photo by Mr. Tragert
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