School Life

CAS is Here

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An introduction to CAS for the juniors occurred on August 28, led by Ms. Dean and Ms. Martin-Bauer. CAS is a requirement for students that are taking the IB Diploma. Failing to meet these requirements will result in the loss of the IB Diploma. There were mixed opinions on the additional task juniors have to complete.

CAS is an abbreviation for creativity, activity, and service. Creativity involves experiences that make students enhance their critical thinking skills, for example, Journalism and StuCo. An activity requires being physically active in order to promote a healthy lifestyle among students. At AISG, being on any sports team will count as an activity. The service strand refers to giving support, as well as time commitments, to groups that are in need for free. There are multiple after school community services in AISG with a variety of purposes.

These CAS strands are important because it shows that students have a balanced life, and are not only focusing on academics. IB wants students to be capable of being successful in multiple aspects of life.

On top of CAS strands, IB also requires students to do one CAS project with other students. The project has to last 30 days of planning, doing the project, evaluating, and reflection on it. For Juniors that have just got into IB, having to keep up with tests, assignments, CAS strands, and CAS project could be a burdening task.

“I don’t think CAS will be a burdening task to do, but it will be hard for people who can’t find any creative activities,” said Isco K. who is a Junior. He also followed up by saying, “but the CAS project might be a hard task to complete.”

However, CAS is also a good experience for students. There are lessons that can be taught through these CAS strands that can’t be taught in classes. These lessons can be leadership, critical thinking, and learning generosity. Ms. Martin-Bauer said, “What is unfortunate is that when people think of this as an extra burden”

Another Junior student Ciro W. said, “CAS will be a good opportunity for me to learn new things and be a balanced student.” One of the IB learner profile attributes is being balanced. CAS will help students to do a variety of other activities that will help them achieve this.

During these two years of IB, there are going to be a lot of activities that students can join. If a student is very athletic, there will plenty of opportunities for them to join a sports team. However, they just have to remember to at least have one creative and service activities for their CAS.

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