British freelance video game journalist, critic, and YouTuber, Jim Sterling, famous for his work at Destructoid and The Escapist as well as his own YouTube series the Jimquisition, released a video on November the 1st 2014 that brought about a rise to possibly... More »
Clockenflap is the annual music and arts festival held in Hong Kong, it incorporates various types of music and is known to be one of the most attended events in the music world. Last year’s Clockenflap had over 600 000 visitors, this year it will have some fa... More »
The build-up, the excitement, and then the thrill of seeing a favourite performer on stage in front of you. Most people that have been to a concert can tell you that they enjoyed the entire experience. However, as technology such as cell phones becom... More »
Hakima Abdulle, a Muslim woman was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight last week because a flight attendant did not “feel comfortable” with her. Ms. Abdulle was removed from the plane shortly after being told she’s not allowed to swap seats, despite the a... More »
Readers, we seem to be in the midst of a rare phenomenon, a landmark Celebrity Death Cloud year, and although it is not yet May, it may have peaked today on 21 April when the world lost Prince Rogers Nelson. As a little girl in the American Midwest, I was ra... More »
Between classes and during classes, some AISG students browse social media websites like Facebook or Twitter, while some students hop onto their laptops or phones to play games, giving their brains a bit of a break. Games can be intense and exciting, however t... More »
Usually when scientists have a disagreement, they settle their dispute in a civilized and refined manner, involving meticulous research and logical scientific evidence…but there are some things they can’t communicate through words, some things they have to set... More »
Well ladies and gentleman it is getting to be that time of year again. School is starting to draw to a close and the hot summer weather is starting to drive everyone on vacation. To where you may ask? Warped Tour! Ok well not really but still. Warped Tour is a... More »
The dream car of many daily drivers includes a far range, while the dream car of a sports car driver is fast acceleration from 1-60 miles-per-hour. In addition, the dream car of environmentalists includes a car that has zero CO2 emissions. One company, Tesla M... More »
Beijing Model United Nations (BEIMUN) sponsored by the International School of Beijing(ISB). BEIMUN XXIII was held from March 9th to Saturday March 12th, 2016 at the Sun Palace Crowne Plaza in Beijing, China and AISG delegates participated in the twenty-third ... More »
The controversial debate of comfort vs. fashion seems to never die down. Although advocates supporting comfort may wholeheartedly believe in their comfortable clothing, they cannot deny that there are a few fashionable accessories that one must have—even if on... More »
Everyone knows the story of Alice Liddel falling down the Rabbit Hole and traveling to that odd, yet very interesting, world of Wonderland. From being captured by the Red Queen to fighting a dragon-like creature known as the Jabberwock, the blonde girl did it ... More »