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Dawn of A New Era


Everyone has watched youtube at some point in their life but not many know about Speedpainting. Speedpainting is a recording, either on the computer or on a camera, of an artist drawing either a character they’ve made up on their own or a drawing of other natu... More »


You’ve been nominated to represent (Insert Country Here)!


It’s a well known fact that scams have been around for a long time, scams like that email in your inbox about that distant cousin in Nigeria who just happens to be a prince that has left millions and millions of dollars. All you have to do is give them your ba... More »


The Bard Comes to Guangzhou


“O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?” We’ve all heard of the famous Shakespeare and at least read one or two of his works. From the star-struck lovers, Romeo and Juliet, to the revenge of Prince Hamlet, Shakespeare should be no foreigner to any students ... More »


Sleep – A Political Statement


Sexual harassment has been one of the most imminent struggles in India over the last decade. As society continues find new methods to have their voice heard, this weekend – activists throughout the nation embark on an endeavor that leaves participants in fear ... More »


The Professor Retires: RIP, Alan Rickman


Alan Rickman, the much-loved star of stage, TV and films including Harry Potter and Die Hard, has died. Video filmed and edited by Yan Li and Punya Bhargava Alan Rickman, one of the best and most admired British actors, died on the 14th of January in London, a... More »


Forever the Goblin King


David Bowie, pop legend. The artist was one of the first if not the first pop chameleon in terms of style of songwriting. He did everything, even going so far as to create an alter ego dubbed Ziggy Stardust. Born in Brixton, South London, the singer died two d... More »


Legends are Born


One of the lesser known productions DC is working on is a TV mini-series known as DC: Legends of Tomorrow starring some rather well known characters. Green Arrow, Hawk Girl as well as Atom are amongst the cast of the upcoming premier said to be airing from Jan... More »


Let The Music Move You


This year looks promising as 2015 ends and the 2016 calendar year begins, as well as a chance to snag tickets to concerts. Hong Kong looks like the place to be for some of the larger named bands and DJ’s. January holds the promise of ONE OK ROCK, DJ Jazzy Jeff... More »


Pokémon is turning Augmented-Reality


Teenagers’ and young adults’ dreams to own an actual living Charizard (one of the first gen. Pokémon) could virtually come true. Nintendo announced that it will release a new smartphone-based game called Pokémon GO in 2016. The peculiar naming compared to the ... More »


Ten Things To Do Over Christmas Break


School is finally out and now you finally get 2 weeks off to relax after exams. However, two weeks can be quite boring if there’s nothing to do over Christmas. So here’s a list of Ten great things you can do during Christmas break to kill time. Sleep in: Wakin... More »


Christmas In: New York City


New York City is considered to be the #1 city to spend Christmas in; the music, the food, the decorations all scream Christmas. If you are lucky enough to spend Christmas in New York City this year, below is a list of 5 things you should do: Visit the Rockefel... More »


Gift Guide For the Broke


Stumped about what to get your loved ones without blowing all your cash? Here are some ideas for inexpensive presents. Personalised CD or Mixtape: Burn a CD with songs that mean something to you and the recipient. Can’t be bothered to find a CD? Create digital... More »