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Why Do We Need Health Class?


Part of the AISG Curriculum from six to ten grade is PE, and with PE comes health class. According to Mr. Tomassen,  a PE and Health teacher at AISG, the goal of AISG’s health curriculum is to “give students the background information needed on topics that are... More »


Keto Diet For Beginners


First off, WHAT is a ketogenic diet? Ketogenic diet, better known on the Internet as the “Keto Diet”, is basically a low-carb and moderate-protein diet. Low-carb diets have been proven to not only increase metabolism but has been demonstrated to result in more... More »


Mental Health: The Big Picture


This article was written for the Mental Health unit in Grade 10 P.E. What is Mental Health? Mental health refers to our emotional, behavioral and cognitive well-being; it centers around how an individual feels and interacts with their environment. People focus... More »


Anxiety: Is it Becoming a Trend?


Some time ago, I was in history class when one of my classmates commented on how she was feeling very overwhelmed and stressed with the enormous amount of work she had to complete. The moment she finished talking, another student made the statement that she (t... More »




If you don’t know what a JUUL is, it’s time to wake up. JUULs are the new “hype” thing that everyone is talking about. Vape pens or electronic cigarettes are widely used around the world, but the brand JUUL takes these pieces of technology to a whole new level... More »


Best Documentary: Period.


Period. End of Sentence. is an Oscar-winning documentary that tackles one of the biggest controversies in India: menstruation. This 25-minute documentary directed by Rayka Zehtabchi aims to unwrap the fears, insecurities, and ignorance associated with how many... More »

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Beware of the Anti-Vaxxers!


Taking a stand against vaccinations seems to be all the rage right now. Recently, people who do not believe in vaccination, or “anti-vaxxers” as they are popularly called, have been the focus of mainstream media. Anti-vaxxers are propagators of the idea that v... More »

Image from NJlifehacks

Procrastination, and How To Beat It


With Chinese New Year fast approaching, most of us will find ourselves with endless time on our hands, in the form of two whole weeks away from school and the never-ending amount of stairs at AISG. However, the trail of undone, and due assignments will not see... More »


Is Ranting Good For You?


Do you ever have times when you’re so frustrated to a point where you feel like you will soon explode if you don’t rant about it? Personally, I love ranting. I find it as a source of release for my anger and frustrations. However, lately, I’ve noticed that ran... More »


Why is Public Speaking so Stressful?


According to surveys, public speaking is many people’s number one fear. Second is death. This means an average person is more afraid to give a presentation then die. So what are some factors that make public speaking so stressful? Fear of public speaking is no... More »


Caffeine: Good for you? ☕️


If you rely on caffeine to wake you up and keep you going, you aren’t alone! Caffeine is used daily by millions of people to increase wakefulness, improve concentration, and alleviate fatigue. Caffeine is a stimulant found in various drinks, foods and other pr... More »


Air Pollution at AISG


This article was a collaboration between Abby Paras and guest contributor Madeline Cope Every student at AISG knows about air pollution. Everyone in China knows about air pollution since China is one of the leading countries for air pollution. On the World Hea... More »