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Abe Resigns From Office due to Ulcerative Colitis


Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe resigned from office on August 28, 2020. Abe affirmed his reason for resignation from office was over suffering from reoccurring post rectal inflammation pain, also known as ulcerative colitis. His deteriorating state of heal... More »


Takeaways From the Chaotic Presidential Debate


The first presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden ended in chaos. Authors of major media publications and critiques have commented that the debate was filled with shouting, bitter exchanges, and interruptions. Throughout the debate, Chris Wal... More »


The Crisis in Chile


On October 14, the first of many protests this month occurred in Chile. The reason was that there was an accumulation of nationwide disapproval and discontent over economic situations mismanaged by President Sebastian Piñera and his cabinet. Chile is one of th... More »


Kashmir, a State of Confusion


The Indian government has recently revoked the special state status of Jammu and Kashmir due to rising tensions between the Muslim and Hindu factions. This region has been under lockdown and media blackout until these tensions are resolved. The government has ... More »


Why is South Korea Boycotting Japan?


On August 2, Japan announced that South Korea is officially removed from Japan’s White List—a list of countries given preferential treatment on trade. Due to this decision, Japan will be restricting exports of three major chemicals that are essential for Korea... More »


Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?


In the US, abortion is a hugely controversial and divisive topic. Ever since the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in 1973, there has always been a vocal anti-abortion minority that strongly opposes abortion for a variety of reasons. Ant... More »

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Is Democracy Dying?


All across the world, prosperous democracies are crumbling and looking worse for wear. A hundred years ago, when countries were warming up to the idea of democracy, hordes of people embraced freedom and the idea of living in a country where everyone’s interest... More »


Economics or Independence? Taiwan Mid-Term Elections


The Taiwanese local election took place on Saturday November 24, with citizens voting for their favored political party and referendums that address controversial issues within the country. This year’s mid-terms resulted in unexpected outcomes and definite cha... More »


N.Korea’s Show to Bring Temporary Peace


 Moon Jae-in, the 19th president of the Republic of Korea, focuses on the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, contrasting with the previous 2 president’s hostile attitude toward North Korea. Even Times Magazine presented him an appellation of ‘The ... More »


South Korea Enters the #MeToo Movement


In Korea, the #MeToo campaign is currently going viral as victims of sexual harassments united to accuse their colleagues of sexually abusing them. Although some might examine this movement as an exaggeration to elevate women’s social status, there is a reason... More »