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Korean Military Service: Unjust Call of Duty


Every November, 12th grade South Korean students who attend schools in Korea take perhaps the most important test of their lives, the 수능 (College Scholastic Ability Test), comparable to Chinese public schools’ 高考 and AISG’s IB May exams. After these tests are ... More »


Athletes and Artists Rally Against Trump and Republicans


“Wouldn’t you love to see these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a ***** off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired.” These words came from an infuriated Donald Trump, during a rally in Alabama. But why would a p... More »


Vanishing Freedom of Speech: We Need it Back


In the modern world, democracy is the prevailing form of government. Each country has its own history of combatting monarchy, colonialism, or other brands of authoritarianism to achieve democracy and has created its own constitution to guarantee the rights of ... More »


The Nuts and Bolts of North Korea’s Nuclear Strategy


North Korea has been in the news recently for refusing to comply with the UN Security Council’s resolution of terminating its nuclear program and continuing to test its increasingly advanced ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles). North Korea also conduct... More »

Donald Trump. Image from Wikipedia

Editorial: Can Voting Be a Victory for Everyone?


President Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections was a huge shock to the majority of American citizens, considering that Clinton won in the popular vote. For most people, there are too few candidates for their fullest ideals to be achieved. It... More »


Up Next In Trade Wars: U.S. vs Canada


Since Trump has become the POTUS, he has been stirring up trouble all over the world, even with the peaceful neighbours next door. During the election, Mr. Trump pledged to renegotiate NAFTA with Canada and Mexico. The United States’ trade war with Mexico has ... More »


A War That has Killed Millions but Seems to be Forgotten


The Syrian War ages into its fifth year yet it barely makes the headlines of some of the major news broadcasting companies today. A war that has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions to points around the world, the Syrian conflict is the source o... More »


The White House will be TRUMPED!


Disclaimer: This article does not reflect the opinions of the beacon. As many have said, “It could be worse—Kayne could be running for present in 2025!”  When Trump first ran for president, it was unexpected and , but it has been the reality. Clinton won the p... More »


Giving Voice to the Trump Campaign


Never have the U.S. elections been so intense and controversial than during the 2016 election cycle. After the IB Economics elections project at AISG, student and teacher involvement in the elections was especially strong. Many members of the school population... More »


Michelle Obama’s Speech


After the recently leaked video featuring Donald Trump demeaning women, Michelle Obama took to the campaign trail and called out the Republican nominee for President of the United States on his behaviour. After the recording of Trump bragging about sexually as... More »


Trump VS Clinton


In March 16th, Donald Trump released an attack advertisement targeted towards Hilary Clinton. Being Trump’s main rival for the presidency, Clinton was subjected to a humiliating video comparing her to a dog. The 15 second video was released on popular social m... More »