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Recent Airline Incident Is “Part of an Alarming Trend”


Hakima Abdulle, a Muslim woman was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight last week because a flight attendant did not “feel comfortable” with her. Ms. Abdulle was removed from the plane shortly after being told she’s not allowed to swap seats, despite the a... More »


Anonymous vs. Trump


About a week ago there was a video posted on Youtube in regards to the group known only as Anonymous and their apparent declaration of what they are calling Total War against Donald Trump. As someone who only partially follows the political campaign there is b... More »


Donald Trump’s Polls Unaffected by Controversy


The controversial US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, found himself heavily criticized by other competitors this past weekend, when he failed multiple times to disavow support from an important former Ku Klux Klan figure. On a Facebook post published on t... More »


Sleep – A Political Statement


Sexual harassment has been one of the most imminent struggles in India over the last decade. As society continues find new methods to have their voice heard, this weekend – activists throughout the nation embark on an endeavor that leaves participants in fear ... More »


Disparity in Mourning on Social Media


Since the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, a dialogue has sprung up on social media about why the world rises in support of some targeted populations, while ignoring victims in other places. On social media such as on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, many ha... More »


Trump: Not All That Bad


DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are not that of AISG or The Beacon, nor are they necessarily those of the writer, who is merely presenting the other side of the coin with regards to Donald Trump so as to present a contrast with a similar articl... More »


Cherry-Picking Donald Trump


  DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are not those of AISG or The Beacon, nor are they necessarily those of the writer, who is merely presenting the other side of the coin with regards to Donald Trump so as to present a contrast with a similar art... More »


Refugees: A European Invasion?


Disclaimer: The opinions herein are those of the author and not The Beacon. Should any of the below strike a nerve, please contribute your thoughts by submitting a comment in the “reply” space provided.  A note from the author, written a few days after the sto... More »


Refugee Crisis: Victims of War or Trojan Horses?


Disclaimer: The strong opinions herein are those of the author and not The Beacon. Should any of the below strike a nerve, please contribute your thoughts by submitting a comment in the “reply” space provided.  650,000 migrants have entered the European Union ... More »


V-Day: Neglecting a Nation’s Pride?


[by Jiwon L] Under the irregularly impeccable sky of Beijing, Chinese President Xi and his guests celebrated the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War with a military parade at the Forbidden Palace. After Japan’s formal surrender on 2nd Sep. 1945... More »