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Should AISG Have a Bus for Dongguan Students?


27 students, 2 minivans, and an hour-and-half ride to and from Dongguan everyday in order to get to school. This transportation issue has existed for a long time, and many Dongguan students continue to find inconvenient problems related to the distance, price,... More »


Should AISG Students Wear Uniforms?


Do you think our school should start wearing school uniforms? Yes? No? Do you know anyone who wears uniforms at their school? Well, in this article I talk about the pros and cons of having a school uniform. As of now, the students of AISG are not required to w... More »


Why is Public Speaking so Stressful?


According to surveys, public speaking is many people’s number one fear. Second is death. This means an average person is more afraid to give a presentation then die. So what are some factors that make public speaking so stressful? Fear of public speaking is no... More »


Is the AISG Grading System Fair?


Your opinion regarding the title question is already set. Whether you are one who struggles to keep up with the mounting school work, stresses over deadlines, has mental breakdowns alone in your room and has simply given up hope; or, one who aces all tests whi... More »


Come Support Our Dance Team!


Our Varsity dance team is having another round of pep rally on Tuesday, November 13th before they leave to Shanghai for APAC. The pep rally will begin at 11:05 am in the gym during lunch and end around at 11:15 am. The performance will represent AISG’s Varsity... More »


Morning and School


It is imperative that students and teachers arrive at school before 8am on weekdays. But is that really the best time for school to start? As someone who needs to wake up at 6 to get to school on time, I am intrigued by what our community thought of moving our... More »


IB Work Days: Useful or a Waste of Time?


If you are a freshman or sophomore, you may not have heard of IB Work Days. Essentially, all IB candidates are required to attend school on “IB Work Days” during parent-teacher conferences. IB Work Days are normal school days (8-3) except there are no teachers... More »


The BRICS Have Fallen


Every Wednesday and Friday, the AISG community anticipates the opening of BRICS café, a café made by the Business Club. The café sells everything from instant ramen to soda and is a favorite among many AISG students. However, recently, it was found that studen... More »


The new and “improved” AISG Restroom Systems


Reconstruction and remodeling are quite common for buildings in our everyday life. There might not be a perfect plan or layout for the design of an environment, but there is always room for improvement. However, the recent changes to the AISG restrooms make me... More »


Calling All Daydreamers


The universe in your head is almost always a better place than the world we actually live in. Explaining that universe to others, however, is just not as simple as it sounds. Something is lost when that thought goes from your head into your mouth or on to your... More »


Is the ‘Right’ College Really a Thing?


College is the next big step after graduating high school. No matter how prepared you may feel for college, there is no certainty that what you expect will become a reality. Once I completed my junior year of high school, it was time to go college hunting. Ini... More »


Are Academic Summer Programs Worthwhile?


 Summer programs are provided by certain universities during the summer vacation, allowing students to engage in classes related to chosen courses. Attending summer courses during the summer break is a wonderful opportunity to spend your time wisely. During th... More »