
Cherry-Picking Donald Trump

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump featuring in a caricature.


DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are not those of AISG or The Beacon, nor are they necessarily those of the writer, who is merely presenting the other side of the coin with regards to Donald Trump so as to present a contrast with a similar article discussing Trump’s fortes.

Real estate tycoon and Miss USA beauty pageant owner Donald Trump has been hated on and condemned so much that even those who do not know much about him and those who have only heard second-hand information are susceptible to a distortion of the facts. All that most people know is that Trump is extremely rich and he occasionally makes extreme and possibly brash comments.

Although Trump’s fortune was not completely self-made, not many can deny that he is a successful businessman and investor. As such, several of his supporters believe that he will make the country work better just as he magically does with his companies.

However, even if he becomes the President of the United States of America after the long, exhausting competition with other candidates, Trump will not become a successful President. First off and most importantly, he has no experience in politics other than his brief candidacy in 2012, during which he was ridiculed for questioning the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. He did not study politics previously nor did he manage a community other than his own companies.

Although Trump succeeded in managing companies within multifarious industries, a country is not the same as a company. From a capitalist perspective, a company can easily fire an employee as long as it does not violate the law in the process. However, while a country may reject foreigners seeking residency, it cannot “fire” its own citizens. Also, contrary to Trump’s penchant for picking certain industries that are easily accessible and easy to make prosper, representing and running a country requires not only accepting the easier tasks at hand, but also rising to the challenge of the more arduous and high-risk tasks.

In his political campaign, Trump showed evidence that he will fail to embrace a certain ethnicity that comprises 17 percent of the U.S. population. He referred to Latino immigrants as the ones that are “bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and [bringing] their rapists”. He was implying that Latinos were problematic and only bring harm to the country, not to mention that most of the lower-wage workers in his factories are Latinos themselves.

Whether these harsh statements by Trump will gain him more votes is certainly doubtful. He is frequently quoted for making offensive comments and lost various business deals with other companies for making such polemical remarks. Carlos Slim, a Mexican billionaire much richer than Donald Trump, deemed Trump a racist and cut ties with his companies.

Trump became a successful businessman by being a prudent cherry-picker. But he is not as prudent in his campaigns, and even good cherry-pickers do not necessarily make good Presidents. Sadly, but most likely, Trump will fail to become the President.


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