Chinese fashion can be seen on the street all the time. Chinese people like to dress rich to show their wealth. People wear products ranging from Supreme, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Hermes, Prada and Chanel. But are these products real? Many fake products of these branded fashion chains can be found on online websites such as Taobao or Jindong for a much cheaper price. They are cheaper because they can be mass produced at factories. Personally, I do not like wearing fake products as they feel cheap.
Some common products that can be seen everyday are fake Yeezys, fake Supreme Box logo hoodies and fake Gucci or Louis Vuitton bags. You can tell that some products are obviously fake as the spelling is wrong or the colors are not available at the official store. However, there are also many people in China that own real authentic products from the actual stores. These stores are very hard to find, and one must be very careful in trusting a store. If a store looks legit, it may still not be authentic.
Although there is fake streetwear, there are also high quality and cheap authentic clothes. Because most streetwear is manufactured in China, the companies do not have to ship it as far, so buying streetwear in China from factory stores can save money. However, rare items can sell for much more in China, as all of the items are sent to North America or Europe, and there is less stock in China.