School Events

Chinese New Year Event Preview

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Monday and Tuesday, January 21 and 22, StuCo is organizing a Chinese New Year event where each homeroom will get two posters to creatively decorate a pig. You can use anything — from glitter to 3D objects — to decorate the pig. In addition, two prompts will be provided and as a homeroom, you must come up with an answer.

Once the decoration process is done, they will be displayed on the outside of teacher homeroom doors from Wednesday and Friday, January 23 to January 25. Homeroom with the best posters will be rewarded with Ms. Dean’s cupcakes. Who would not want delicious and free Ms. Dean’s cupcakes?

Over the years, student participation rates have not been the highest, so I really hope you all could try and put effort into decorating the pigs. Organizing these events consume a lot of StuCo’s time as well. In addition, these activities can allow students to bond and build stronger connections within their homerooms. Let’s enjoy this Chinese New Year event and have some fun!

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