School Life

Reaching Out, Building Bonds: Community Service

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On Tuesday August 22, students gathered in the new theatre to learn about the various community service groups they can join for 2017-2018. Assisted by Ms. Volz, coordinators of the different community services introduced students to the core idea of the community service, and what kind of activity each does. Over 15 different service groups were introduced, and after the brief introduction, students visited presentations made by the coordinators to learn specific details about the services they were interested in joining.

A few of the service groups are profiled below.

Habitat for Humanity

Coordinator: Carrie Lo (Grade 11)

Room: 224 (Mr. Owen’s room)

Habitat is a community service that works to provide homes for many underprivileged people around the world, to resolve their poor living conditions. This is a non-profit service, so all expenses come from fundraising activities at school. Throughout the year, there are two trips where members sites of need, and help build homes and shelters for the people living in poor conditions.

Hoops for Hope

Coordinator: Eagle Cheng (Grade 11), Kyung Taek Lim (Grade 11)

Room: Gym room next to Mr. Elliott’s office

Hoops for Hope is the only sports-related community service you can join. Hoops for Hope plans fundraising events related to basketball such as mini-games, 3 point shoot-outs, and free throw shoot outs. The money they earn is donated under the name of Hoops for Hope. Also, every year this group holds a basketball tournament where any students can join, and the winning team earns basketball shoes from Nike.

Migrant Link

Coordinator: Queenie Hsiao (Grade12), SooKyung Huang (Grade12)

Room: 309 (Ms. Erica’s room)

Migrant Link is a community service group with the mission “to provide love and care for children of migrant workers through action and not just material goods.” The members of the community service pay regular visits to Kaiping (once every semester) and Haizhu (twice every semester) where connections are already established. To reach their objectives members wil hold fundraising activity such as the Valentine’s Day Sale, Pocky Day (November 11th) and bubble tea sale to sponsor their projects and visits.

Other community service activities we’ll be profiling in the future include:

  • Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)
  • Connect 4 Cancer
  • Roots and Shoots: Animals
  • Roots and Shoots: People
  • Roots and Shoots: Environment
  • English Connection
  • Crossroads
  • MSSC
  • Liphy
  • Global Issues Network (GIN)

Community service is a great chance for you to reach out to those within and outside of our immediate community, and meet new people from different grades. It’s never too late to join. Contact a coordinator today!






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