School Life

Connect4Cancer: AISG’s New Community Service Group

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On Thursday, Ms. Navis sent out an email to all high school students introducing a new community service called ‘Connect4Cancer’.

Through some research, I found out that Connect4Cancer is a voluntary cancer awareness charity based in Los Angeles, California. It was founded in 2012 by a teenager named Emerson Harris along with friends and family who believe in saving lives by preventing, controlling and curing cancer. Harris strives to provide her generation with a strong voice in the cancer community and to spread the message that victims of cancer do not need to face the disease alone. Their first mission is to find a cure for pediatric brain tumor cancer, and it is up to the support from multiple communities around the world to make it happen. One student decided that the AISG community has the potential to contribute towards the achievement of this goal.

Jennifer Zhang, a junior, took initiative to introduce the club to AISG. She said, “I wanted to introduce Connect4Cancer as a community service so that our students are more aware of the most common types of cancer such as breast cancer and prostate cancer, but at the same time they should be aware of all types of cancer as well. Our school has bake sales for breast cancer and Movember, but there are no service groups that organize events for all types of cancer. I have also been an event organizer for Pantene Beautiful Lengths for a few years now, helping out during International Day, so I understand the importance of raising awareness on cancer.”

The meetings will be on Thursdays at the library conference room during lunch. For more information, please visit here.

Image from: GooglePlus

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