School Life

Deforestation & Science

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As a part of the Grade 10 Energy and Systems Science Unit, all students are required to do a project about an ecological or environmental problem in modern society and take action in some form. Lisa M and I decided to focus on deforestation and its environmental impacts.

For our Take Action project, we showed The Lorax, last Friday, the 27th of April, in Mr. McGartlin’s room for free and did a short presentation about deforestation and small ways you can help. Additionally, we are in the process of making a Wix website about deforestation which covers all the relevant issues and environmental impacts that deforestation can have. You can visit the site here if you would like to learn more about deforestation as a whole. Keep in mind that we are not completely done yet and will still be updating the site within the coming week. We did our action project and made a website in order to raise awareness about the issue of deforestation specifically what caused it, how it is affecting ecological systems and how deforestation has impacted the future.

There are a few ways that you, personally, can help this cause:

  1. Recycle Paper Whenever Possible
  2. Always Print Double-Sided
  3. Re-Use One-Side Used Paper
  4. Take the Pledge to Do Your Part – Click Here to Take it!
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