School Events

Do Not Miss The Artastic Exhibition!

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The annual IB art exhibition is back! Senior IB art students are presenting their chosen art pieces they have been working arduously on throughout their IB years. Their art works are placed in the lounge area of the theater. The opening ceremony of this years’ exhibition took place on Tuesday, March 12, from 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. Everyone was invited — including students, faculty and family members.

The art exhibition is held to bring the IB art course to an end. According to Mrs. Mora, IB and high-school art teacher, “After two years of exploration of ideas with different imagery, materials and techniques the IB Art students develop a consistent body works interweaving their research with their communication needs. I like to think that an exhibition is like a visual essay, in which the students are stating their concerns and interpretations of the world. To end which such a quality work, these young artists scratched onto the surface, sometimes with pain, facing the demons of fear and uncertainty without knowing where they were going to arrived but trusting the process. [sic]”

Senior IB art students are; Dylan C., Yoon Seo H., Jee Su K., Christina K., Claudia L., Ariel Y. and Tanya K.

Although each work to embody their own theme, the overall concept embracing the individual themes is “Dreams.” Mrs. Mora mentions how “Dreaming as an ideal state of mind to free our selves from censorship allowing the creative process, the clock alarm as a symbols of reality.” Each of them has to decide an average of eight to twelve pieces to present.

During this time of the year, these students are overwhelmed with work and are feeling anxious towards the outcome of this event such as Yoon Seo H. She notes that, “[She is] very nervous and also excited about the exhibition. [She is] nervous that something might go wrong during the opening but [she is] excited to present what I have done for the past 2 years.” She believes that this is an opportunity to express herself publicly through her artwork. Her overall goal is for it to be a successful art opening with no inconveniences and barriers.

Artists are allowed to sell their artwork throughout the exhibition and the price is labeled underneath each individual artwork along with the explanation of each piece.

Do not forget to pass by and show some love by writing down notes in their art journals!

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