School Events

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

• Bookmarks: 301338

Around the world and even at AISG, books are pulled out and put back on their shelves after a moment’s glance at the cover. Without even taking a step into the first page, reader’s are repelled by an uninteresting cover or title and put what could’ve been a magical adventure or an exploration of the world beyond back on the shelf. In order to counteract this, Librarian Mrs. Navis has devised a plan to allow students to find books without judging a book by its cover.

Examples of what awaits!

In the past few weeks and weeks to come, students from grades 9-11 have been asked to come down to the library during their advisory time to help implement this idea. Students are asked to choose a book that they found to be very interesting and wrap it up in paper. They are then given a choice of two pieces of paper. One of the paper contains questions that the student can fill in to give the reader an idea on what the book is like, the other gives the student free choice to write what they want. After filling in the paper, the student tapes the blurb onto the wrapped book and the book is shipped off to a certain somewhere waiting for the next stage.

On March 29th, an assembly will be held in the library to enact this idea as the wrapped books will be marshaled around the library. As a call for increased independent reading, this community event will hopefully improve literacy in AISG and provide an interesting story for high-school students to read over the Spring break.

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