
Editorial: Extra School Day

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Most of you high-schoolers will be preparing for your exams right about now (or I hope at least), but what you might have missed (other than that entire section from the study guide) is the fact that we have two additional days after exams. At AISG, it is recent school protocol to have one additional day after exams to wrap up the school year and to do things like sign yearbooks, enjoy the barbecue held by the school, and receive your exam scores. However, this year there are two additional days to do the same exact thing we’ve previously done in one day. Weird.

“It’s a waste of time,” says Sara Quattrocchi, and I’m sure some of you readers will agree with her. Also, totally not saying this from experience, some students won’t even bother to wake up that early or they’ll be on a flight halfway to another country to enjoy their summer vacations. Having said that, on another note, the juniors who have their extremely useful and productive IB work day will be forced to attend school. If you’re a junior you better have a draft of your extended essay by the start of next year unless you want more of these IB work days.

The last days are “a time for students to meet with each other one last time before they set off for summer vacation,” says Karan Vasdev. Since we students won’t have any official schoolwork left, those two additional days might be something to look forward to. Jimmy Park, another stressed junior, is glad to have those two additional days because he will be free of work after exams, meaning he can enjoy socializing with his friends.

There are mixed thoughts about having extra school days. Obviously a big positive is the extra time students and faculty will have to socialize, but at the same time it might be a waste of time since some people might not show up—that time (required for us to have a complete school year) might have been better applied before rather than after exams.


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