
Editorial: Talent is More Important than Hard Work

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Yes, hard work is extremely important but talent is required. If you think about the best sports players in the world at this very moment, it is guaranteed that they are talented at what they do. When saying that talent is more important than hard work, it is not saying that hard work is insignificant but that talent is required to reach one’s full potential. Talent serves as a basis for which hard work can build upon to reach greatness. All the greats have it: Lionel Messi, Roger Federer, Muhammed Ali, Sachin Tendulkar, etc. Talent is clearly visible in all the people who have it and sadly, it is visible when people do not have talent.

Let’s be honest, we all know a person who cannot throw a ball with proper form or does not have the so-called “flair” in a sport like football or basketball. No matter how much the person practices, he/she will never be as good or look as good playing a sport as a person who has the “flair”. The “flair” is like a language in many ways. You are either a natural who has been speaking it you entire life and can feel right from wrong (which can be compared to talent) or a person who is learning it in high school and understands the language but is not fully fluent (which is a lot like what hard work is without talent). Now most people say, “Hard Work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” as a comment that supposedly supports the fact that hard work is more important than talent but this isn’t true at all. The quote completely supports the argument that talent is worth more than hard work and together, it can do wonders.

There is only so much you can do without talent, but with talent you can go above and beyond. With only hard work, one will eventually peak, but with talent the possibilities are endless. Whether it is singing, dancing, playing a sport, or even debating, talent is something that all geniuses or exceptional people have. The absence of hard work can make talent completely useless but people who have a combination of both are the people who have the ability to change the world.

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