
Elseworlds – Flash, Arrow, Supergirl Crossover

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The TV shows Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl tend to crossover once in a while. Sometimes these crossovers can be confusing and cause chaos, but it is usually the most interesting episode of the season. Elseworlds is the fifth annual crossover event.

“Elseworlds (1)” starts with Dr. John Deegen approached by a mysterious person, who gives him a book that allows him to alter reality. The next day, Barry and Oliver switch lives. Oliver Queen becomes the Flash and marries Iris, while Barry becomes the Green Arrow. Oliver and Barry use their abilities to get help from Kara Danvers , the Supergirl. Meanwhile, a machine terrorizes Central City, so Cisco Roman brings them back.  It takes time for Barry and Oliver to understand and learn each other’s powers, but once they do, they start working together as a team. The group defeats the machine with the help of Superman.

“Elseworlds (2)” takes the audience to Gotham city because the group found out that Dr. John Deegen is responsible for the change in reality and he’s located in Gotham. They get arrested after getting in a fight but get bailed out, by Bruce Wayne’s cousin, Kate Kane (Batwoman). Dr. John Deegen works at Arkham Asylum, so the group goes to capture him. A lot of chaos occurs and the group is able to get possession of the book, but Deegen manages to escape, so they head back home to figure out a solution. The mysterious figure appears again saying that he’s testing the world for an upcoming crisis that will be worse than this. He steals the book and returns it back to Deegen. This time, Barry and Oliver are known as criminals and almost apprehended by police officers that consist of their enemies from the past. After, they are confronted by a black-suited Superman.

This crossover was quite confusing and had a lot of chaos, however, I would still recommend you to watch it. Sophomore Marco L. stated, “I wasn’t expecting myself to like the crossover, but it was really funny and interesting. “Elseworlds (3)” is going to be on Supergirl and is coming out today, Wednesday, December 12.

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