School Life

Executive Council Elections Preview

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On Tuesday, April 23, the ExCo election speeches and voting procedures will be held in the theater as a 45-minute community event. Candidates have started their process in applying for a position and campaigning for these candidates have started since last week. Candidates are eligible to apply as they have served on the AISG High School Student Council (StuCo) for at least one year. ExCo differs from the General Council (GenCo) as Executive members are much more involved in planning school events with the school.

Current Executive Treasurer Sameer S. commented: “the biggest difference between ExCo and GenCo is the amount of responsibility. ExCo has a lot more responsibilities as they do a lot of the planning for events. GenCo also does a lot of work by thinking of ideas for these events but ExCo is in charge of executing it.” From his experience in ExCo this year, he believes that “a good ExCo leader needs to be responsible and organized  because he/she has to be able to lead meetings and plan events.”

Candidates are as follows:

Executive President:

  1. Eddie K.: “I find meaning in making my peers happy, and I hope that I am remembered after graduation as someone who left a positive impact on this school and my peers.”
  2. Lisa M.: “Since I have been in AISG for nearly 13 years, I feel responsible for giving back to our school community as StuCo president, contributing smiles and positivity, devoting time and effort, and producing high-quality events for you. As secretary this year, I have experienced and led all the bits and pieces behind the scenes in ExCo. So! I can promise that I will deliver unique events to you to the best of my ability.”

Executive Vice President:

  1. Ben K.: “My name is Ben and I have been attending AISG since 5th grade. It is my 6th year in this school, my 2nd year in StuCo and high school. I may be a sophomore, and they might be better. But I can listen, speak, and represent our school well. I am active, I am loud, and I am passionate. I would like to be your vice president and represent both your voices and our school well.”
  2. Gabriel K.: “I am willing to listen to every single student’s opinions and suggestions for our school seriously, and act as your dependable voice/representative striving to improve our school.”


  1. Brandon L.: “My name is Brandon and I will be your executive treasurer. I will not let you guys down.”


  1. Sabrina C.: “Hi, my name is Sabrina C. and I am running for the position of ExCo Secretary. I truly believe I have the work ethic and organization skills to handle the responsibility of being ExCo secretary and look forward to working with next year’s StuCo and student body.”

Support candidates and vote for who you think have potential in helping our school!

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