
Free Choice Edited by Mandy C.

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This piece is one of seven photos in a series from the IB Art HL photography unit.

Artist’s Thoughts:

During the unit, we learned and explored different DSL photography techniques, including how to manipulate aperture, lighting, shutter speed, and others. Our final project for this unit was to depict an emotion through a series of seven photos. The emotion that I chose for this project was anger. As I think of the emotion of anger, I think of the color red. Through the entire series, I incorporated the color of red into each image to create a sense of unity and cohesiveness within the whole series. The setting that I chose for this image was fitting for my theme as there was a red door and a simple patterned wall that accentuates my subject through contrast in color and pattern. I also wanted to explore reflections and mirrors in my composition, and the effects of using a mirrored reflection turned out with good results. In the editing process, I cropped my image in a way that limits and decreases the amount of negative space present within the composition, allowing my subject and theme to be even more prominent in the photo.

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