School Events

Fun with the Fam

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On September 24, the long-awaited event “Family Fun Day” began at 11AM at the Science Park Campus. This year’s Family Fun Day had some anomalies. With a large portion of our school going through construction, many spots were not available for use and without the air conditioning facilities, many students were tired of the scorching sunlight. The heat from booths that were directly exposed to the sun caused great pain for the workers, but this did not make school spirits low.

The #5likechallenge water bottle Junior Amy Choi was excited with her challenge to win a water bottle as a prize. In order to win the bottle, she had to get five likes through her post in WeChat, but she achieved 10+ likes. She qualified to receive the free StuCo water bottle.

Amy's post on WeChat to earn the free water bottle. #5likeschallenge
Amy’s post on WeChat to earn the free water bottle. #5likeschallenge

While the event may have been restricted in location, Family Fun Day was as exciting as ever. With several booths serving cold delights to everyone who was exhausted from playing exciting games, students, teachers and parents alike were able to enjoy and experience an exciting day at the Science Park Campus.

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