School Life

Goodbye to The Beacon

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As the school year comes to a close, it is time for us to say goodbye to our valued and admired Co-Editors in Chief of The Beacon for 2017-2018: Sara Q-F and Jacky L. On behalf of all the writers and editors of The Beacon, thank you! Words cannot express how grateful we are for both of your contributions and personal time spent working on The Beacon. Sara, your unflagging editing skills are an integral part of what makes The Beacon a current, relevant newspaper for the AISG community; you have been a driving force in the development of The Beacon. Jacky, your creativity, website management and video-editing skills are commendable, and they will be dearly missed. We thank both of you for your hard work and expertise, as well as for all that you’ve contributed during your time with The Beacon.

From Sara:

Being part of a team like The Beacon has been such a great experience. I truly mean it when I say it. Not only have I learned valuable skills such as managing a website and editing articles, but I have also learned the importance of taking into account and valuing every opinion of each member. When I was in 9th grade, I saw The Beacon as something that was dying as no one truly read it or cared for it at that time. Now, I’m glad to say that this has completely changed. To be honest, this is thanks to Ms. Barga who has revitalized the group and truly made it something that has become relevant to the school and that has also been growing for the past three years. I hope that the newspaper will keep growing next year and I will truly miss being part of something that plays such a big role in our school like The Beacon.

From Jacky:

Journalism has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. In the two years that I’ve been in The Beacon, I’ve learned and grown so much. In my time as a writer and editor, I’ve improved a lot in my writing. As one of the editors-in-chief, I’ve learned many new skills like web-design as well as improved my other skills like video editing and filmmaking. I have enjoyed every minute of writing articles, editing articles, interviewing students and teachers on a myriad of topics, filming the Month, editing the bloopers, and more. I will truly miss The Beacon. 

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