School Events

GSA’s Day of Silence

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This year, on April 12, GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) will be holding a Day of Silence. For the Day of Silence, students wear dark colors and take a vow of silence for a day in order to represent the LGBTQ+ students that are silenced.

The Day of Silence originated in Virginia in 1996. The event grew in 2008 when it was held in memory of Larry King, a 15-year old gay boy that was shot at school. The event spread to the rest of the US the following year. Since then, the event has become an international one, having spread to countries such as New Zealand, Singapore, and Russia.

Now, AISG’s GSA has decided to host a Day of Silence for students to participate in. Many of the GSA members are excited about this event and they hope to raise awareness.

To participate in the Day of Silence, students can sign up using the link below. Students should wear black or dark colors and should not speak for the entire day. Students and faculty can both participate but are not required to. The day of silence will not interfere with class time.

Information about Day of Silence:

  1. Students may not refuse to speak if asked by a teacher
  2. Students may not put tape (or any other items) over their mouths
  3. Students may be silent during breaks and the rest of class

If you would like to participate in the Day of Silence, you can sign up here.

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