School Events

Happily Never After

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October has gone by too quickly, and before we even had a chance to fully enjoy the month, its end came. But, with the end of October brings the day that many wait all year for: Halloween. Each year, Pulse, a community service group at AISG, holds a Halloween dance, and this year, the theme is “Happily Never After.” A spooky take on classic fairytales is a sure way to attract people.

I interviewed junior Sam Lucier, co-head coordinator of Pulse, and when I asked her how this year’s dance will be different than others that were held in the past, she responded with, “This year, we are holding the event in a different place than past years. Also, we put a bit more effort into the decorations than we have in the past.” To improve the, she said that Pulse “tried to come up with a theme that is more diverse and interesting than the other ones in the past.”

Small, handmade 3-D princess castles littered Mr. Tragert’s, the supervisor for the community service group, classroom, along with various costumes, signs, and props. This year, the tickets were specially designed to match the theme of the dance, and if I do say so myself, they look great! Each one has a minimalist drawing of an iconic Disney villain, which follows the theme of a scary take on Disney.

“Happily Never After” certainly seems as spooky as its name, and hopefully, the event will live up to it. I asked Sam, “What are your hopes for the dance?”

“I hope that everyone will have good time and will come to our other events,” is what Sam responded with. Hopefully, this event will be successful, and scary enough for people to want to come back: I’m sure it will be!

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