School Events

Hit or Miss: Table Tennis 2019

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Ping Pong! Recently, members of the American International School of Guangzhou (AISG) 2019-2020 Table Tennis team participated in their first two competitions. Although it was one of the first serious matches for new players, everyone kept a positive attitude and did their best in competing with other students.

Guangdong Country Garden School hosted the Pearl River Conference for table tennis on November 16, 2019. This competition brought together eight different international and local schools.

Jonny M., a freshman member of the table tennis team, expresses that “[he] did not have any initial thoughts before the matches.” He did not have many opinions about the upcoming matches in these few days as he says that “[he] did not really set any goals” for himself to achieve. “[He] was just happy that I was able to play table tennis with other people again.” Jonny M. ended on a good note by saying that “[he] is looking forward to APAC in February.”

On another occasion, a friendly competition took place on November 19, 2019, between Clifford International School (CIS). Players from AISG and CIS competed with one another in singles matches. Since there was an uneven number of boys and girls to play against one another, a rotation system was used so that each player got to play everyone on the opposing team.

Vicky K., another table tennis team member, expresses that “[she] wanted to join table tennis because [her] friend convinced [her] into joining.” She soon discovered to really enjoy playing the sport when she initially thought that “table tennis is a sport that does not involve much movement.” When the team traveled to CIS, Vicky K. was “excited to play against other schools,” and says that “[she] is definitely looking forward to APAC.”

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The APAC Table Tennis team this school year seems to be off to a good start for their season! Good luck!

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