School Life

How did the ASAG Bi-Annual General Meeting in the Fall go?

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At the Ritz-Carlton, more than 350 parents attended the Fall ASAG Biannual General Meeting this year. This is an impressive display of community involvement in AISG’s affairs and its pursuit of strategic goals.

Our school is governed by the American School Association of Guangzhou, abbreviated ASAG. The association is led by a board of governors, whose members are the current parents of AISG.

AISG is a nonprofit organization and one of the oldest non-profit international schools in southern China. As a non-profit organization, parents are the stakeholders in terms of governance and strategic decision-making. Profits are reinvested in the school for the benefit of students and the institution’s long-term growth.

As a non-profit school, the general meetings provide transparency with our community about how our funds are allocated and reinvested in the school, our strategic plans for the future of our school, and other essential updates. Here are some highlights from this particular meeting:

  • Board and Director goals

  • Annual audit results and financial standing reports

  • Updates on our strategic priorities

  • New Mission and Vision implementation plan

  • And many other updates on critical initiatives such as DEI, WASC goals, No Bully System, and Master Facilities Plan.

The ASAG General Meeting also allows us to celebrate and showcase our students. For this meeting, we showcased our Upper Secondary GCED (Global Citizenship Education) groups, formerly our Community Service groups.

All 16 GCED groups were represented, and their student coordinators came to speak with parents as they waited at the ballroom entrance for the meeting to start. In addition, a panel of students spoke during the meeting, explaining why this is important and impactful for them. These were great learning opportunities for our students to communicate their service’s mission and for our parents to understand the vital work our students are doing to make a difference in our local communities.

Another showcase was a student who brought to life the meaning of our Annual Fund & Me program. Our Annual Fund is our school’s fundraising effort, where proceeds are used for enrichment programs for our students, such as the Speaker Series program. The student told her story about how and why she submits artwork yearly for the Annual Fund’s Hong Bao campaign. Her passion for learning Chinese painting motivated her to give to a school she loves, knowing it would help raise money. The Annual Fund & Me is all about finding these unique stories of giving and sharing them with the community.

The ASAG General Meetings were an exceptional opportunity for the school community, including AISG parents, to not only participate in and support the school’s strategic direction but also to learn something new about what the school offers, which this time was all from the student’s perspective. A meeting is well worth attending, so thank the parents who attended the event. For those who couldn’t, the presentation will be available on RamsNet, and we hope you can make it to the ASAG Bi-Annual General Meeting in the spring.

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