School Life

How to Keep a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle During Online Learning

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Online learning hasn’t been easy, and you probably have developed some habits you aren’t proud of. During this time, it is crucial to maintain heathy habits and good wellness.

So here are a few things you can do to keep good wellness and keep a healthy, balanced lifestyle during online learning.


Schedule offline time:

Have a time in the day where you are off your devices and doing something fun offline. Play a board game with the family or just have some quiet time to yourself to unwind and relax.


Create a study plan:

During offline hours, have a designated time for study so you have time for hobbies later. Give yourself a time to sit and focus to get through all the work you need to. But make sure to break it up into small manageable sections. Don’t be studying all day.


Take time to do some physical activity:

It does not have to be a full workout. If you can, go outside and take a 30-minute walk. Get the body moving and your heart pumping. A healthy body means a healthy mind.


Ask for help when needed:

There is no point stressing trying to figure out everything by yourself. The teachers are here to support you when you need help. Don’t be afraid to ask, it will make your life a lot easier.


Change up the environment:

Sitting in the same chair everyday can make you restless so change up where you do your work. If you sit in your bedroom, head out into the living room. If you can, go sit in a coffee shop. Changing up your workspace will keep you sane.


While it may seem hard to keep good habits it’s important to at least try to prioritize your wellness. Keeping a good mindset will help tremendously with your schooling experience.


Happy learning!



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