Humans of AISG

Humans of AISG: Ayline De Wilde

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If you were an AISG student during the school years 2000-2010 or a current member of AISG, chances are, you have heard of Ayline De Wilde. Ms. Ayline believes that her friends would describe her as “sarcastic, loyal, and creative.”

An alumna of AISG, Ms. Ayline was part of the class of 2010. She recalls enrolling as a third-grader onto AISG’s Greenery campus, which was the campus used for AISG students before the Ersha campus. The AISG community then moved on to the Ersha campus when Ms. Ayline was in fifth grade, and after five years she went to the Science Park campus for tenth grade.

Ms. Ayline lent a hand in prior years as a learning mentor when AISG was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, assisting displaced teachers who had to comply with online learning. Ms. Ayline is now the Communication Specialist of the Communication and Marketing team in AISG.

When asked about how AISG was like a decade ago compared to AISG now, Ms. Ayline replied at first thought of the convenience students now have with technology, able to access resources in a much quicker fashion with the addition of iPads and computers. Ms. Ayline also commented on the growth of AISG, expanding in its student size and elevating the overall student experience. She saw a surge of new school events, community services, and clubs popping up in the AISG community now in comparison to her time as an AISG student.

A hobby of Ms. Ayline is painting, this hobby is also one of the main reasons why she attended art school. Other hobbies of her include playing games of various kinds and watching movies.

Ms. Ayline’s favorite place in Guangzhou is either Ersha Island or Shamian Island, because it offers a quick escape from the crowded city life but is still a quick ride from the city.

Ms. Ayline has an affinity for any kind of bread, when asked for clarification, she simply added bread with cheese or butter would be the additional cherry on the cherry top. Some of her preferred favorites include French bread, loaf bread, and garlic bread.

If you see her around, feel free to say hi! (One of her specialties is communication, hence “Communication Specialist”)

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