School Life

IB Art 2023: Art Exhibition for the Senior Class!

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All new walls are constructed, The day of the senior art class annual exhibition has arrived, and the students are usually nervous and excited. On Monday, the library plays host to the exhibition. Friends and family came to view the exhibition hoping to draw creative inspiration from the wide range of works on display and support the students. The students in the art department have spent the past two years preparing for the exhibition, with the goal of presenting their work to the best possible advantage. Students in lower years who have taken IB Art and would like to gain exposure to the art world are welcome to visit the galleries and view the works of the upper years.

The exhibition is one of the criteria of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Visual Art course and is a culmination of the student’s artistic process and vision. From picking a theme and producing their own work to curating their own exhibition set-up, the IB curriculum allows students to explore their creativity and execute their vision.

Every student has developed their own themes which all their works fill to. Each student has a unique perspective and is working towards expressing themselves through art. Students chose personal themes to convey their creativity. These included cultural and identity themes such as ‘Cultural Crisis’, ‘Chinese Beauty Standards’, ‘Deconstructing Cultural Perceptions’, ‘Reality vs. Virtual Identity’, and ‘Losing My Religion’. Some students chose more personal and emotional themes such as ‘The Cycle of Stress’, ‘The Nightmare of Insomnia’, and ‘Mental Suffering’. Other themes included ‘Creature of Habit’, There is Something Behind You, and ‘The Form of Idioms.

The exhibition counts for 40% of the total grade of the IBDP Visual Art course, with Standard Level students having to create 4-7 pieces of work, and Higher Level students having to create 8-11 pieces of work. This is accompanied by a curatorial rationale that they must present with their work to convey the idea behind it and why they chose their specific topic to communicate through their work.


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