
“Insatiable” Review

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Netflix’s brand new tv-show, “Insatiable” launched on August 10th, and some people have vehement opinions about it. The shows’ plot revolves around a high school student, Patty, who used to be a plus size teenager and who become slenderised over the summer, and is determined to get revenge on her previous high school bullies by winning Beauty Pageants. This show received enormous amounts of backlash was because its vengeance driven plot, which gave off negative moods. Several also commented on how instead of embracing all body shapes, the show focuses more on strategically using a “hot body” to get what we want. The cast has continuously defended the series overall, explaining how the idea behind it is to show audiences that it is not alright to bully someone because of their shape or size. With 10% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 6.9 on IMDb, “Insatiable” quickly captured the public’s attention and received a large quantity of views, including mine.

The first thing that made me want to start watching was the controversy surrounding Netflix’s new instalment of shows. I finished Season 1 in approximately 2 weeks and honestly, the show was neither incredible nor horrifying. My first impression of episode 1 was: “This show is amazing and so underrated!,” but when I got to episode 4…I started thinking: “I get why people don’t like this show”. The series is a dark comedy, and definitely has content with quality humour; however, it is true that instead of recognising inner beauty, the main focus is on using more society-accepted bodies as ways of achieving our goals (revenge being the main one in the show). One of the most remarkable traits of the show is the ability to transition from humour to dark content. You will  understand this if you ever watch all of season 1. The audience can anticipate a wide range of bizarre events happening in every single episode, which ultimately convinces them to keep watching. Overall, it is a good show to binge-watch if you are not sensitive to controversy in general. I wouldn’t say that the series’ goal is to offend anyone as I personally believe that anyone who has gone through a “critical slim” procedure in their lives must have thought of getting revenge on people who used to treat them in a bad way (I know I definitely would). I give the show an 8/10, and would recommend it to anyone with a twist of dark humour and entertainment who, and is looking for a good show to pass the time.

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